to become familiar with some classroom structure [aka classroom management] 
models & evaluate how the strategies they inform create classroom environments that support the needs of all learners

to create a demonstration [orchestrated immersion] whereby your colleagues experience what it is like to be in a classroom based on that model.


Nov 28th, Creating Tribes Learning Communities - Jeanne Gibbs - Alex, Ben, Holly, Tony -- Demo Notes HERE
Dec 5th, Judicious Discipline - Forrest Gathercoal - Nathan, Nicole, Kellie 
Dec 12, Teaching with Love & Logic - Jay Fay & David Funk - Dylan, Krystal, Kynah 
1) Sign up for a model on Day 1
2) Buy the book/materials, conduct research, and Write a Critical Evaluation report
3) Provide project update on the due date [11/14/12]
4) Provide an in class Demonstration or simulation [think orchestrated immersion*] 
5) Create Critical Review Handout for peers
6) Submit materials to instructor electronically - Demonstration Planning Notes & Handout

I. Critical Review Handout [Google Docs?]. 
This resource is for the benefit of your peers if they choose to follow-up on your author(s).  The document must include the following information:

  • A brief summary overview of: a) the author’s philosophy and approach regarding classroom management/guidance; b) key elements of the model
  • A summary schematic of the model representing; key elements, list of practices, procedures, strategies/techniques, and goals/purposes [as relevant to your model]
  • 1-2 Scenarios of the model applied in an educational context
  • A brief evaluation pros [benefits], cons [challenges] and best practices with supporting examples
  • A plan for how the model can be implemented to create an inclusive classroom community that supports the needs of diverse learners
  • A list of the references/links used in the investigation. 

II. Demonstration/Simulation 

This is not a presentation but rather should immerse your peers in an experiential understanding of what it would be like to be a student in a class based on your model [think brain based orchestrated immersion]. This could be in the form: an interactive lesson, a mock interview, role-plays, workshop format, or a combination of activities of your choice.  

The demonstration must include participation of all members in the class, incorporate strategies informed by the model to ensure a rich, and be completed within a class period -One Hour should suffice- so that there is time for any follow up discussion and for your peers to complete their response posting

Orchestrated immersion--Creating a learning environment that fully immerses students in an educational experience 

SCORING GUIDELINES: These scoring guides will be used to evaluate your work

I. Critical Review Handout
Handout includes the following:

__ Model Title & Author; Group Names
__ A brief summary overview of:
a) the author’s philosophy and approach regarding classroom management/guidance;
b) key elements of the model
__ A summary schematic of the model representing [as appropriate to your model]: key elements, list of practices, procedures, strategies/techniques, and goals/purposes
__ 1-2 Scenarios of the model applied in an educational context
__ A brief evaluation pros [benefits], cons [challenges] and best practices with supporting examples
__ A plan for how the model can be implemented to create an inclusive classroom community that supports the needs of diverse learners
__ A list of the references/links used in the investigation. 
__ Format: G-Doc / other

II. Demonstration
Group successfully achieved the following:

__A fully immersive experience demonstrated through:
__interactive lesson,
__a mock interview,
__workshop format
__Included all members of the class
__Incorporated strategies informed by the model into the demonstration
__Provided a comprehensive understanding of the model
__Completed within the class period [e.g. 1 hour]
__ Submitted Planning Notes for Demonstration


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