Diverse Population Mini Inquiry Study [25]
You will identify one area related to diversity that you are experiencing in your school placement and conduct a mini inquiry study that will include identifying a critical question, conducting research/annotated bibliography, collecting data, and writing/presenting a summary paper. The process of thinking about a critical question and strategy for collecting data to address your question, will lay the foundation for the critical question you may want to integrate into your Work Sample in your general methods course. 

I. Getting Started: blog post -- DUE: 9/12/12
- How do you see diversity reflected in your school placement?

II. Review of Action Research - Teachers As Researchers Content Wiki

Discovering an Area of Focus
Explore Your School Context: Listening to Your Setting
Problematizing: learning to move from broad concerns, wonderings and areas of interest to a focused question for study by examining your current teaching practice and setting.

Formulate a Critical Question [CQ] [handout or link below]

Make a copy of the following G-doc, give me access, and start working through the prompts:

Establish a Critical Colleague Relationship Identify a person who can be your critical colleague throughout the action research process over the next few weeks. A critical colleague is someone who:
- is willing to discuss your work sympathetically but critically
- feels comfortable working with you & negotiating the grounds of your working relationship with
- you in turn support, offering and receiving advice.

Choose an AR type that best fits your question
a. Integrated Action
b. Self-Study
c. Ethnography
d. Curriculum Analysis

Determine Data Collection
- i.e. the evidence you use to respond to the CQ
-> Data Collection + Interpretation = ASSESSMENT
"Think of data collection and interpretation as assessment. We know that assessment drives instruction. As teachers, we assess our student knowledge, skills and/or conceptual development using multiple means so that we can make wise instructional choices. This is the same process as action research: we collect data [forms of assessment] so that we can made wise instructional choices." pg 73

Examples of sources of data: observation charts, journal entries, meeting notes, lesson plans, handouts, curriculum materials, photos, student information, interview data. [depending on your AR]

Three Broad Types of Data
1. Observations
2. Interviews
3. Artifacts/Document

III. Submit Your Proposal Draft -- DUE 9/26/12

What area of student diversity would you like to address in your placement?
What is your current CQ?
Draw out your Timeline: from now to Dec 5
Describe your research plan
- Annotated Bibliography details
Describe your strategy for collecting data: 
- what you will collect?
- how you will collect it?
- how you plan to organize it?
- thoughts about how you will interpret it

IV. Work on Study
 - check in: ongoing

V. Submit Final Summary -- Due Date: 12/12/12 last class

VI. Scoring Guide
Your final paper submission should be based on some version of one of the Action Research templates but remember, you can also tweak and reorganize it to fit your own needs. Think about it as telling the story of your experience.

At a minimum, your paper should have the following elements:

__ Study Title

__ Context for study [e.g. setting, students, your role].
This should go beyond just facts to describe what you saw/experienced that ultimately exposed a problem and led to your critical question

__ Critical Question [the challenge you were trying to address]
Include any definitions of terms if needed

__ Rationale/Goal
What you hoped to achieve through this inquiry
__ Timeline [for conducting the study]
Details of what you did can also go below under method - i.e. can become the procedure of what you did.
__ Connection to Literature [annotated bibliography, other resources referred to]
This section can be moved to wherever in your study it makes sense
__ Data Collected [types: observations, interviews, artifacts; plan implemented]
__ Data Findings/Outcomes [summary]
Full raw data can be appended at the end

__ Interpretation [how do you make sense of your findings? what did you learn?]

__ Challenges/gaps in study [what were any barriers or challenges that arose?]
__ Next Steps - Plan for Moving Forward
What would you do in a follow-up iteration?

__ References - [properly formatted]
e.g. APA style for help see

__ Appendices [here is where you would include any related materials]
    __ Data Collection Instruments [e.g. survey, lesson materials, other documentation] 
    __ Full Datasets [if applicable]
    __ Annotated Bibliographies/Resources [if applicable] 

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