Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Migrant Students

Due date: Wednesday November 7, 2012

Please create a comment to this posting as a response to Saulo Fernandez's presentation:

1. Review notes here Migrant Education Program
2. How have you seen students from migrant families dealt with in your placements?
3. How do you see yourself meeting the needs of this population in your future teaching?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Alternative Youth @ Risk

Due date: Wednesday October 31st

Please follow these guidelines to respond to Susan Winterbourne's talk last week:

1. Review notes I made here Youth @ Risk [& your own if you took any]
2. Think about a significant incident that you witnessed either in your school placement or one that stuck with you from previous experience, & Map it out using the criteria Susan presented in her 'John" example [e.g. Situation, Student's Action/Behavior,  Student's Thoughts/Feelings, Consequences]. Note how you might have handled the situation differently.
3. How do you respond to Susan's ship metaphor? [i.e. we cant throw anyone overboard but must find a way to build relationship with the student & keep him/her in class/school]
Post your response as a Comment to this note.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Agenda for Oct 17th

Hello everyone,

I have updated our course schedule and see that our dates are now all filled up for the rest of the semester. So, as I did promise to give you time to work on things I am proposing the following agenda for tomorrow:

  • Course Progress update
  • Inquiry Study update [please have the most recent version of your template ready to share/discuss with me]
  • Model Demonstration planning [bring materials to work with your group, & be prepared to discuss your plan with me]  
  • Assign due date for Inquiry study
  • Sign up for Group Demonstrations

See you tomorrow,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

KWL for @Risk-Poverty

Due next class

Bonjour tout le monde!
Please use the class time for today to work through this week's page/topic @Risk: Poverty You'll need to create a Google Doc for your KWL, and include the link below in a comment  so that I can more readily access and input on your work. Also, don't forget to give me access to view and edit your G-Doc at

I have given you until next week to finish this, but note that next week I will also be asking for an update on your Inquiry Study. For this please complete as much as you can of the template that I pasted into your document the week before last [or whichever alternative template format you decided on]. Just email if you have questions before then. I will be checking it occasionally but am back next week.

Hope your week is going well. As they say here in Quebec - Salut!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Learning Disabilities

Due dates noted below

What are your experiences with LD either personally or in your placements?
What are some salient points and key strategies that you took away from the FAT City video & additional reading on the LD page, that you can use to better serve the needs of students with LD?

Due no later than Friday Oct 5th
Please create a Comment to this posting to share your response to these questions.
Due Wednesday Oct 10th
Please read and comment at least TWO of your peers' postings